
Ongoing Use of Previously Developed Land
The Lost Pines Habitat Conservation Plan (LPHCP) covers incidental take in the Plan Area that may result from ongoing activities conducted on land that was developed prior to the approval of the LPHCP.  While developed land (including residential home sites, community parks, and commercial property), and lands having intense agricultural uses have not been generally considered habitat for the Houston toad, the species is now known to occur in some low-density residential subdivisions.  The proximity of Houston toad observations to developed lands, and data showing that Houston toads sometimes travel long distances across the landscape, create the possibility for incidental take of the species in areas not considered habitat.  Therefore, the LPHCP may extend incidental take coverage to activities conducted on previously developed land in the Plan Area.

Ongoing activities associated with existing developed areas include the use of residential areas that have already been impacted by development, such as yard maintenance activities or the addition of a deck or pool over an area of pre-existing lawn.  Activities that directly impact areas that were not developed at the time the LPHCP was approved, such as the expansion of lawns, gardens, or structures into areas of native vegetation (excepting native-plant landscaping) are not considered an existing use.  Incidental take for the expansion of existing developed areas that directly impact Houston toad habitat may be covered under other activity categories covered by the LPHCP (e.g., single-family residential construction and use or commercial and multi-family construction and use).