To participate in the LPHCP for forest management, landowners must complete a Forest Management Notice of Intent application. After application approval, a Forest Management Notice of Receipt (NOR) is issued. NORs require annual re-application.
Texas Forestry Best Management Practices address practices related to management planning, road construction and maintenance, timber harvesting, site preparation, planting, prescribed burning, chemical applications, and the use of Water Management Zones (WMZs). Due to the importance of WMZs, forestry practices within these areas are restricted to lessen the disturbance on these habitat sites.
The following forest management practices may not be implemented during the breeding and emergence period of the Houston toad (January 1 through June 30):
- Road construction and maintenance
- Site preparation for planting
- Timber harvesting within 300 feet of any WMZ
- Prescribed burning and making preparations for prescribed burns