1. Only external development requires a permit. Interior building renovations on existing
footprints do not require a permit.
2. A development permit is not required for accessory buildings 25 square feet or less unless they are placed on a foundation or constructed within the floodplain.
3. At a minimum, all applications require:
• Proof of property ownership
• Dimensioned site plan showing the proposed improvements, and existing building(s)/ structure(s)
• Copy of Survey or Plat
Additional information may be requested as needed.
4. Permits will not be issued for non-compliant property unless there is a health or public
safety reason, such as failed septic system, and as approved by department head.
5. When a public wastewater system is not available, applications for a Development Permit and an
OSSF (Septic) Permit are to be submitted concurrently.
6. Floor plans will be submitted with OSSF permit applications.
7. An addition to an existing structure that includes bedrooms requires septic review. If a
revised septic design is required, the development permit will not be issued until an application
is made for the revised OSSF system.
8. Fees for IRS recognized tax-exempt organizations and reciprocating governmental entities will
be waived.
9. Fees for permits necessitated by a declared federal emergency will be waived for those
residents rebuilding on the same property.
10. A Development and Driveway Permit will expire:
A Development or Driveway permit becomes valid upon execution and shall expire if the Construction of the development has not been completed after three years have elapsed from the date the permit was issued.
A OSSF Permit will expire:
One year after the Authorization to Construct Permit has been issued; or if the Authorization to Construct Permit has not been issued, one year after the initial site confirmation inspection has been conducted.
A Development and Driveway Permit Extension:
A one-time 180-day extension may be granted by the department head if requested 30 days prior to permit expiration.
A OSSF Permit Extension will not be granted.
Additional Requirements for Single Family Residential Development in the Pine
Forest Subdivisions
Drainage exhibits (pre-development and post-development drainage maps) signed and sealed
by a registered professional engineer are required.
Requirements for Commercial and Non-Single-Family Development Permit Applications
1. A Non-Single-Family Application for Development Permit is required.
2. Commercial and Non-Single-Family Development Requirements:
A. Proof of Property Ownership
B. Copy of Survey or Plat
C. Owner Agent Certification - if not property owner applying
D. Civil construction Plan Set- Stamped by a Professional Engineer Licensed in the State of Texas and should include, but is not limited to:
I. Cover Page
II. Construction Notes
III. Copy of Survey or Plat
IV. Existing Conditions
V. Dimensional Site Plan
VI. Grading Plan
VII. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
VIII. Drainage Plans- Pre & Post-Construction
IX. Wastewater Plan
X. Construction Details
XI. Floor Plan- If Applicable
F. Drainage Report
G. Hydraulics and Hydrology Study- If Required
H. Geotechnical Report- For Manufactured Home Rental Communities, Condominiums, and work performed within Bastrop County Right-of-Way other than driveways
I. TCEQ Wastewater Permit
J. Letter from the applicable utility companies
K. Letter from the applicable Emergency Services District (required for permit issuance)
L. TxDot Right-of-Way Permit- If driveway/ entrance accesses state-maintained road (required for permit issuance)
3. It shall be policy to maintain zero net increase in storm water runoff rates and to ensure no
negative impacts attributable to new development and redevelopment that increases impervious cover.
A grading and drainage plan with contours prepared by a registered professional engineer showing
existing and proposed conditions is required. The drainage plan must demonstrate no adverse
erosion or off-site drainage impacts due to the proposed development. The engineer will need to
determine if on-site detention is required to meet these requirements.
4.Electronic submittals of civil site plan set shall be 22" x 34" (ANSI D) in size drawn to scale. Staff reserves the right to request full-size hard copies if necessary.
** For RV Parks a Pre-Development meeting is required; for all other Commercial Development,
they are optional **
At the Pre-Development Meeting, additional requirements will be discussed.