Sheriff's Office
Sheriff's Office
200 Jackson Street | Bastrop, Texas 78602 | (512) 549-5100 
Message from the Sheriff

Bastrop County continues to grow and so do the demands on the Sheriff’s Office to provide services. We continually evaluate, revise, and restructure the organization to improve the work environment, enhance technology, and create efficiencies thereby, facilitating delivery of needed services to our community. It is our organizational vision “To meet or exceed the public safety needs of a diverse and ever changing community”.

This website is intended to provide some insight into the operations and personnel of your Sheriff’s Office. As we endeavor to maintain an open and accessible partnership with the community to provide a safe environment, I believe it is important we make this information available to you.

It is my belief that after reviewing the following pages that you will share my sense of pride in each of the men and women within the Sheriff’s Office who are committed to serving you. For without their loyalty, sense of caring, and dedication we would not be able to accomplish the many tasks required of us.


Sheriff Cook