County Financial Data
Traditional Finances

As an introduction to Bastrop County's revenues and expenditures, the tables below summarize the County’s financial position from Bastrop County's last audited fiscal year ending September 30. These figures include per capita calculations based on U.S. Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2023, the latest available. You will find further detailed financial information by selecting each corresponding tab to the left.

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 Expenses Fiscal Year 2023 Per Capita
General Fund
General Government $                  25,727.255 $           242.28
Public Safety $                  26,596,969 $           250.47
Health, Sanitation and Welfare $                      709,015 $              6.68
Culture and Recreation $                      199,566 $              1.88
Conservation and Development $                      776,213 $              7.31
Principal $                      454,210 $              4.28
Interest and other $                        14,253 $              0.13
Capital Outlay $                   2,790,304 $             26.28
Total  $                57,267,785 $           539.31

Road and Bridge
Road and Bridge $                  10,186,489 $             95.93
Capital Outlay $                    1,124,437 $             10.59
Total  $                11,310,926 $           106.52

Debt Services
Principal $                   4,471,000 $            42.10
Interest $                   1,162,395 $            10.95
Total $                   5,633,395 $            53.05
Total Expenses $                  74,212,106 $           698.87


Fiscal Year 2023 Per Capita
General Fund
Taxes $                 33,739,947 $         317.74
Sales $                   8,285,791 $           78.03
Mixed Beverages $                     269,489 $             2.54
Licenses and Permits $                   1,717,489 $           16.17
Intergovernmental $                   3,708,834 $           34.93
Charges for Services $                   9,599,303 $           90.40
Fines and Forfeitures $                   1,094,362 $           10.31
Investment Earnings $                   1,964,763 $           18.50
Contributions $                      ,83,460 $               .79
Other $                      767,603 $             7.23
Total  $                  61,231,041 $         576.63

Road and Bridge
Property Taxes $                   9,042,559 $           85.16
Licenses and Permits $                   1,065,648 $           10.04
Intergovernmental $                        73,671 $             0.69
Charges for Services $                      213,590 $             2.01
Investment Earnings $                      305,894 $             2.88
Other $                      209,723 $             1.98
Total  $                  10,911,085 $          102.75

Debt Services
Property Taxes $                   5,553,292 $           52.30
Investment Earnings $                      300,205 $            2.83
Total  $                   5,853,497 $           55.12
Total Revenue  $                  77,995,623 $         734.51


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